Coach Service  Zamsaf now has a tourist coach between Lusaka and Livingstone with the following daily schedule
Lusaka to Livingstone 1st bus departs at 06.00 hours arrives Livingstone at 12.00 hours connecting to Nationwide flight . 2nd bus departs at 14.00 hours arrives Livingstone at 20.00 hours |
Livingstone to Lusaka 1st bus departs at 06.00 hours arrives Lusaka at 12.00 hours connecting to SAA flight 2nd bus departs at 14.00 hours arrives Livingstone at 20.00 hours overnight to BA flight |
PRICE US $20.00 oneway US $35.00 return Pre -bookings acceptable TIMETABLE SERVICE SC 0010 : LUSAKA ~ LIVINGSTONE SERVICE SC 0011: LIVINGSTONE ~ LUSAKA
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06:00 07:45 07.50 08.25 08.30 09.30 09.35 09.40 10.10 10.40 10.45 11.15 11.20 12.00 |
Lusaka (Central Park) Chilanga Chilanga Kafue Kafue Mazabuka # Mazabuka Monze # Monze Choma (Kalundu Hotel) # Choma (Kalundu Hotel) Choma (Kozo Lodge refreshment stop) Kozo Lodge Kalomo # Kalomo Zimba # Zimba Livingstone |
20.00 18.15 18.10 17.35 17.30 16.30 16.25 16.15 15.45 - - - 14.40 14.00 |
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THE ZAMBIAN SAFARI COMPANY LTD BOX 30093 LUSAKA TEL 231450/228682/3 FAX 222906/224915 Cell 096 764433/097 841599/096 744281 IATA No. 67-2 3216 3 E-MAIL; reservations@zamsaf.co.zm
UTc Zambia PO BOX 61081 Livingstone Tel: 00 260 3 324413, Fax: 00 260 3 323739 Email; utczam@zamnet.zm